Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Jericho/Downtown Burlington

Tuesday, June 17—Jericho, VT  
Today we all went to downtown Burlington which is artfully set up as a pedestrian mall. We ate at El Cortijo Taqueria, a Mexican restaurant operating out of an old 50’s style diner (right). I took pix of their restroom toilets, which had been artfully painted by Andrew’s Sarah Ryan. We shopped in several stores where I bought odds and ends for Christmas stockings, and then drove down to the waterfront, but no sooner had we paid $5 to park the car than we decided that it was too hot for us, so we piled back into the car and drove to Andrew and Sarah’s house in Colchester, VT, to pay a visit to Sarah and Sophie. Andrew was in Dallas, TX, on business.

I returned the 1960 Linton High School yearbook Sarah’s father had loaned me a couple of years ago. 1960 was my graduating class. Sarah’s father was a year or two behind me I think. I did not remember him, but there were pix of both of us in the yearbook. It was good to see as I had lost my yearbooks years ago when I lived in Rochester, NY.
Sarah and Andrew live in a neat little house that they have decorated artfully—no small  thing as both of them, and Sophie, are gifted artists. Sarah is a painter and Sophie is following in her footsteps. Andrew designs chandeliers.

We had a cool lemonade, and Sonja worked with Sophie on a knitting project. Their silky soft cat reminded me of Paddy, our cat. She’d be loving one minute and then hissy and unpredictable the next.

I think that this was the evening that we stopped at a serve-yourself yogurt place before driving home. Sarah and I sought them out on our trip. Most delectable!

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